Category: Internet Marketing

How Google Has Changed

Although the official birthday for Google is difficult to determine, it is safe to say that the search engine has changed considerably over its lifespan. In fact, the late 90’s, when most people agree that Google first hit the web, was a very different time for the internet. After...

How to Protect a Website From Hackers

The websites that become the victim of hacking are often ran by business owners who think that their site is not a tempting target. Unfortunately, many website hackers will target any site they can gain access to in order to use the server as an email relay for spam....

3 Tips for a Local SEO Campaign

A local SEO campaign means that a technician is aiming to rank webpages with a specific city in mind in order to target potential customers that live in the same area as the business itself. Here at Internet Marketing Questions, we want to ensure that our readers understand the...

The Differences Between Google Panda and Google Penguin

Google is the most popular search engine on the web which means that it is heavily monitored by a variety of strict algorithms that are regularly updated in order to ensure that marketing methods are as fair and ethical as possible. With this said, many markets still fail to...

Different Platforms That Support SEO

When people think of the SEO industry, the focus tends to go to search engines like Google and the implementation of high-quality content on a website. After all, the last 30 years of SEO has been dominated by a focus on increasing the ranking of a website in the...