The Qualities of a Page-One Website

Ranking on page-one in 2022 is quite a feat to achieve and it can be so difficult to do that many website owners actually believe it simply isn’t possible anymore. The reality is that search engines like Google only allow the very best-of-the-best to bag the illusive top spot nowadays and this makes the competition quite fierce. In order to ensure that your website has the best chance of climbing the ranks, try to optimise so that it displays the following qualities:

Fast and Responsive

If a user has to wait more than 2 seconds for a web page to load, the chances are they’re going to abandon ship and look for their information elsewhere. A page-one website should make responsiveness a priority at all times and work with a web developer to iron out any kinks in the functionality of the site that may affect its speed. Google is looking for websites that take user experience into consideration and page speed is a positive step in the right direction when it comes to obtaining a page-one ranking.

High-Quality Content

In the world of SEO, content will always be ‘king’ which means that it is an expectation of any page-one website to boast excellent, articulate and high-quality content at all times. There is no room for error at this level as the competition to rank so highly is incredibly fierce and the search engine is always adjusting the way it indexes and ranks websites. Remember to always avoid plagiarism – even rewording an existing piece of content counts – and ensure that your content is relevant at all times.

Mobile Optimisation

It’s 2022 which means that smartphone compatibility is no longer a choice that marketers are allowed to make. The bottom line is that a website that isn’t designed to be interacted with on a mobile device isn’t going to get within touching distance of a page-one ranking. After all, page-one websites will always display an interactive web page that has been altered specifically for mobile browsing, optimise page speed and take CTA (Call-to-Action) buttons into consideration.

A page-one website has to bypass many competitors in order to rank favourably so it is only right that they provide the user with a relevant and high-quality browsing experience. This means that internet marketing campaigns should always be ethical and take the search engine algorithms into consideration in order to stand the best chance. Remember, rankings can change on a day-to-day basis so consistency is key.