3 Tips for a Local SEO Campaign

A local SEO campaign means that a technician is aiming to rank webpages with a specific city in mind in order to target potential customers that live in the same area as the business itself. Here at Internet Marketing Questions, we want to ensure that our readers understand the difference between a local campaign and a national campaign. Read on as we go over 3 top tips that every technician should know when it comes to local SEO…

Why are location pages important?

It is important that technicians understand that search engine spiders are constantly crawling a website in order to find the most relevant pages for a user. As a result, a local campaign can benefit from the implementation of specific location landing pages in order to offer the user the best experience and ensure that they find the most suitable information for their browsing needs.

Do website reviews help improve SEO results?

The reviews that are found on a website can influence a campaign considerably and are considered a local ranking factor because they create sub-pages and ensure that a website takes up more space on the SERPs. In addition to this, potential customers are more intrigued by a service when it has positive reviews which can increase the ROI (Return on Investment) of a campaign.

Should content be locally written?

Content is the most important aspect of any campaign and it should be relevant, original and easy to read which means that a local SEO campaign should be boosted by the implementation of local content. For example, copywriters should write about the local area, products that are available in the specific city that is being targeted and also use local keywords with the target area included.

There are many benefits that can be obtained from a local SEO campaign because the competition is not as fierce when websites are attempting to rank for a specific area. In addition to this, targeting local customers can increase the number of conversions that a website makes as people are more likely to invest in a service when the supplier is close by. To find out more information about local SEO, get in contact with a member of the SEO Enterprise team today!