The Benefits of Cloud Storage

For many years, we stored our data on a hard drive built into a computer or laptop. Whilst this was successful for a long time, we quickly realised that the storage capacity filled up relatively quickly. As a result, the majority of people now choose to store their files in ‘the cloud’. Read on to find out a few benefits of upgrading to a cloud storage service:

Saves Space

If you are the kind of person that can’t bring themselves to delete a picture then the storage on your PC will fill up relatively quickly. By choosing to store files like pictures and videos in a cloud based service, you can save memory on your computer for other things that you use on a daily basis. In addition to this, the storage space on a cloud based service can vary between 2GB and 2TB (2000GB) depending on how much you are willing to spend, which means that you can store thousands upon thousands of pictures and videos safely and securely.

Easy Access

When you store files directly on a PC, they can only be accessed from there. That means that you have to move files from one place to another using a memory stick, which is time consuming and tedious. On the other hand, a cloud based storage system can be accessed from any desktop at any time which means that there is no need to waste your time with external hard drives and memory sticks.

Back Up

Another problem with storing all of your files in one place is that they can be lost in the blink of an eye as a result of damage or theft. If your hard drive gets damaged then the data is almost impossible to recover and if your laptop is stolen then you are very unlikely to get the files back. By having all of your files on a cloud based service, they can be easily accessed from a different desktop in the event of damage or theft.

Here at Internet Marketing Questions, we believe that there is no safer way to store your files than in a cloud based storage service. To find out more information, get in contact with a member of our team today!