Understanding the RankBrain Algorithm

By now you should be familiar with a handful of Google algorithms such as Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird which are utilised by the search engine in order to make the ranking process as fair as possible. Although it is considered to be the 3rd most important algorithm, RankBrain is rarely discussed by marketers and taken into consideration in the same way as other Google algorithms are. Here at Internet Marketing Questions, we’ve decided to change this.

As a part of the Hummingbird algorithm, RankBrain is technically a hidden gem that allows Google to understand the way that users browse the web and levels the playing field for everybody as a result. In essence, RankBrain is a type of learning system that allows the search engine to understand the meaning behind search queries and then locate the most suitable result in response.

Although it is rarely discussed amongst marketers, the Google search engine actually considers RankBrain to be its third most important algorithm which means that we really should start paying attention to the way that it works and the impact that it can have on the way that web pages are indexed and ranked. With this said, the way that it works isn’t entirely understood and the general belief is that RankBrain helps customise the users browsing experience by going beyond the words and phrases used in their search query and taking synonyms, implied words and even search history into consideration.

To ensure that your website and the content within it is optimised with RankBrain in mind, it is important to optimise for relevance. This means that blogs and articles should remain on topic and have at least a basic relationship with the keyword that has been embedded into it. A lot of marketers even find it helpful to make use of a competitive analysis tool, which helps you recognise relevant terms and concepts that may be of interest to the algorithm.

A basic understanding of search engine algorithms will enable a marketer to put together a high-quality campaign in line with the clients expectations. After all, SEO and other marketing methods require patience and consistency in order to be effective as well as an awareness of what Google is looking for. RankBrain deserves to be recognised with the same prestige as Penguin and Panda as it has such an impact on the way that webpages are displayed in the SERPs.