Author: admin

Busting the Computer Myths

Here at Internet Marketing Questions, we like to think that we are the experts to trust when it comes to verifying the authenticity of myths surrounding computers, the internet, and online marketing. The information available online can be inconsistent and difficult to navigate as it always includes a variety...

The Benefits of Cloud Storage

For many years, we stored our data on a hard drive built into a computer or laptop. Whilst this was successful for a long time, we quickly realised that the storage capacity filled up relatively quickly. As a result, the majority of people now choose to store their files...

Understanding the RankBrain Algorithm

By now you should be familiar with a handful of Google algorithms such as Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird which are utilised by the search engine in order to make the ranking process as fair as possible. Although it is considered to be the 3rd most important algorithm, RankBrain is...

Hidden Google Easter Eggs

In some forms of digital media – like software programmes, video games, and films and TV shows, there are hidden features for users to discover that are colloquially known as ‘Easter Eggs’. In fact, in some games they are extra bonuses that a player may not initially be aware...

The Benefits of a National SEO Campaign

We all know how beneficial an online marketing campaign can be, especially during troubling times when the majority of businesses will choose to hit the pause button, and there are many different ways that they can be implemented. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is perhaps the most prevalent internet marketing...