The key to SEO

Search engine optimisation or in more common terms, SEO; requires precision and technicality. There are unfortunately a few rogues out there who fail to do things by the book, rely on old ways of doing things and prefer to do a “quick job” to get results quickly. This is...

Google increases its network

There’s no denial about it that Google is the most powerful tool on the planet and the most used by billions of people around the globe. We use it for everything today; searching for recipes, online shopping, commercial services, and even to find an answer to a question that...

Garden maintenance this summer

Who’s been making the most of their garden over the last couple of weeks? We certainly have; BBQ’s and friends round for one or two drinks. This really is what summers are all about. The only thing about the warm weather and spending time outside is ensuring that your...

It’s all about your bathroom

Where is the one place in your home that you can truly relax and escape the world for a short while? In my opinion it’s the bathroom. You have no disturbance and you can run a nice warm bath with bubbles, and relax in it with a glass of...

Climbing to the top

In this day in age, technology and the internet has transformed the world and how we act and behave. The majority of the world’s population is online and use search engines like Google for pretty much anything. They’ll use it to find out information, read the news, watch their...