10 Fun Facts about SEO

SEO can be particularly difficult, especially for beginners, which is why we are going to delve into the world of statistics and tell you some fun facts about SEO…

  1. The top 5 search results which show up after a keyword is searched on the SERP’s get 75% of user clicks. This is why the world of SEO has companies going neck to neck in order to rank on the first page.
  1. Roughly 131 billion searches are made on the worldwide web every month. This means that keyword selection and targets must be very exact in order to get the best traffic to your site.
  1. Interestingly, 70% of the links which are clicked on by search engine users are organic, which means that they are relevant to the users particular query.
  1. Google actually owns roughly 70% of the search engine market shares.
  1. Shockingly, only 81% of businesses and companies consider blogs an important part of their SEO. Blogs are used in order to power the SEO in the back which is why more than 81% should find them an asset.
  1. The top two internet activities regarding SEO are searching and emails.
  1. After content, the title of a page is the second most important part.
  1. In fact, 75% of SEO that is completed is off-page whilst the remaining 25% is on-page.
  1. 80% of search engine users ignore ads and focus on the organic results on a search page.
  1. 50% of users search with a mobile and smartphone device. This is said to continue increasing.

These statistics and facts only prove how detailed and exact your SEO must be. For more information on how to give the best SEO Services, check back for our next blog post!