Author: admin

Understanding Google’s Page Experience Algorithm

It comes as no surprise whenever Google implements changes to its core algorithm as the search engine is constantly refining the way that it ranks pages in the SERPs. As page experience becomes hotter on Google’s radar, we’ve been anticipating an algorithm dedicated specifically to its implementation for some...

The Pros and Cons of Google’s Featured Snippets

Back in 2015, Google introduced a new tool in order to provide the user with faster and straight-to-the-point answers, known as ‘featured snippets’. These are small summaries of information that have been extracted from a relevant website and displayed in the SERPs in order to answer queries immediately. They’re...

The Downfall of Internet Explorer

It was announced in August 2020 that Microsoft would officially be ending support for their Internet Explorer browser in just one year, and with August 2021 creeping closer and closer we’ve decided to go over everything there is to know about the rise and fall of Internet Explorer and...

Why Does SEO Take So Long to Show Results?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an internet marketing method that is almost as old as the internet itself, however it has undergone a make-over or two throughout its lifetime in order to kick a few nasty habits and replace them with more ethical, long-lasting alternatives. Here at Internet Marketing...

The DuckDuckGo Anonymity Promise

As a search engine that has been around since 2008, many users have only just learned of the existence of DuckDuckGo in the past few years and it has steadily increased in popularity ever since as it now handles around 70 million queries every single day. Of course, this...