Internet Marketing A-Z Terminology

Like any industry, the world of internet marketing comes with its own bank of terminology. Here at Internet Marketing Solutions, we’ve put together a glossary of the top terminology associated with marketing on the internet…

Anchor Text – The clickable words of a hyperlink which are underlined blue. In SEO this can be overdone, however using important keywords used in the anchor text is desired.

Backlinks – Links from other websites to a certain page. Search engines will use these to judge sites credibility.

Content Marketing – An inbound marketing method used to generate traffic which is created with the needs of prospect customers in mind.

Domain Name – The main address of a website.

Ego Keyword – A keyword which a company feels it should rank for natural or paid results despite the cost or investment returns.

Forum – A place where individuals who share similar interests discuss topics together.

Graphical Search Inventory –  Advertising such as banners which can be synchronised to search certain keywords.

HTML – HyperText Markup Language is the programing language which is used within websites.

Internal Linking – Adding hyperlinks on a page to other pages within the same site.

JavaScript – An object orientated programming language which is utilised to improve experiences on websites.

Keyword – Words which an individual will search for in a search engine.

Link Building – Acquiring hyperlinks from one website back to your own.

Mention –  When a brand is ‘mentioned’ on a website other than your own.

Natural Listing – Non-advertised listings which appear in search engines.

Opt-Out – When people are automatically signed up to a mailing list but can unsubscribe at any moment.

PPC – Paying a certain amount every time someone clicks on an advert to your site.

Query –  Another word for keyword.

Rank – How well a website is listed in the search engine results.

Search Engine – The place people go to search for certain things online.

Tags – Words used to categorise blogs and other material on a website.

URL – A Uniform Resource Locator is the mixture of letters, symbols and numbers that form the address of a website.

Video Marketing – The strategy where videos are used to promote a brand or product online.

Webinar – Virtual seminars which allow people from all over the world to join in with an internet connection.

XML – Extensible Markup Language is a language used with an array of content forms to allow users to define their elements.

Yandex – The fastest growing search engine worldwide.

Z-Index – A property of CSS which gives you more control over the location of overlapping elements.

This glossary is bound to give you more knowledge on the word of internet marketing but remember, it is just the tip of the iceberg! Remember to check back here for more blogs and keep broadening your knowledge about online marketing!