Top 4 Essential SEO Terms

When you first join the world of SEO and internet marketing, the range of terminology sometimes be sometimes be confusing to understand. That’s why the team here at Internet Marketing Questions have put together a list of the top 4 terms you should know and their definitions…

Anchor Text: This is the industry term for a piece of hyperlinked text. It is key in SEO as keywords with anchor text attached theoretically enhance organic rankings as long as no black hat techniques are used, such as keyword stuffing.

Title Tag: A title tag is also known as a page title and can be seen in the browser area of a search result or website. It helps the search engines understand what a page is about.

301 Redirect: When a page is deleted or it’s URL it changed, it doesn’t just disappear like many people think. When someone searches for a URL that doesn’t exist anymore, they usually get the 404 error response however to avoid confusing people, it is best to use the 301 redirect which will take people from the old URL to the other page you now use.

Keywords: This is perhaps one the most important aspects of SEO and though it often becomes overused, a keyword is simply a word, phrase and range of words that represent your company in order to help users and the search engine see what your website is about, thus allowing it to be organically ranked according to relevance. However, overusing keywords can affect your rankings as it is a black hat technique known as keyword stuffing.

When it comes to learning new terminology for an industry, sometimes you just need a helping hand and here at Internet Marketing Questions, we hope our list of terms will aid you in your SEO services! Check back for more top tips!