Internet Marketing Method Predictions for 2017

It is no doubt that 2016 was a successful year for the internet marketing industry. Despite this, the industry never slows down and although we haven’t quite reached the end of the current year, there is no time like the present when it comes to predicting what trends will kick off 2017. By thinking about the changes to the internet marketing industry in 2017, we can adjust our strategies accordingly and prepare. Here are a few of the predictions we have come up with…

  • Not many people could have predicted the success of Pokémon Go which earned $10 million per day in revenue. Although the enthusiasm for this app has died down considerably, there is no doubt that the app paved the way for two big developments. Firstly, it has proven that users are ready for augmented reality and, secondly, it has shown other marketers the potential of these systems. We should expect to see more of these in 2017.
  • Recently, social media has begun optimising live video streaming. In fact, the first presidential debate was streamed live this year. This has been on an upward streak for the past few years- however has only recently been added into social networks such as Facebook. It is likely that 2017 will be the year where live video takes off, helping brands to become even more visible.
  • In marketing, data is lifeblood because quantitative information is needed in order to report who is buying what, when it is being bought and why it is being bought. As such, our brains were not made in order to process such large amounts information which is why it is exciting that technology is finally catching up. In 2017, it is expected that every business will start using the data visualisation tools online. The technology will be more expanded and sophisticated and therefore the data analysis needs will be better than ever.

Do you have any 2017 predictions for the future of SEO and internet marketing? Make sure to let us know!