How Does Google Rank Websites?

Whilst some technicians claim to be experts the reality is that very few of them understand how websites are actually ranked on the search engines. After all, a lot more goes into it than it may seem at a first glance. Luckily the team here at Internet Marketing Questions have got you covered! Read on to find out everything you need to know about how Google ranks websites…


In the world of SEO, content is king however it is very important that this content is relevant and of a high quality otherwise a site could be penalised rather than ranked. Content on websites can come in many different forms however many technicians implement it through a blog as this is the most effective way.

White Hat

Google works very hard to ensure that the deserving pages receive the high rankings and its penguin and panda updates find websites that use black hat techniques in their SEO and penalise them. Examples of these methods include keyword stuffing, spamming, duplicated content and cloaking. For Google to rank a page the SEO needs to include white hat techniques like user experience focus, keyword research and mobile friendly interfaces.


A black link is a link that is directed towards a website and Google loves them because they indicate how trustworthy a site is. In fact, Google tend to boost pages that have more high quality backlinks as they are more relevant in terms of what the user is searching for. Of course, backlinks can be employed maliciously so Google works hard in order to separate the good from the bad.

Whilst marketing is important, the best way to ensure that the site will be correctly ranked is to employ the SEO services of a high quality technician. After all, search engine optimisation is an essential component when it comes to Google rankings. To find out more information, get in contact with a member of the IMQ team today!